Saturday, July 17, 2010

An Introduction: Pleased to Meet You!

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Obtaining our freedom has not been easy, I want to help preserve our hard-won unique American freedoms.

My name is Susan Culver and I would like to be your next State Representative. Thanks for taking the time to look me up!

I am a Conservative and have the endorsement of Citizens for Traditional Values.
My husband and I have lived in Genesee County all of our lives. He owns a company in Genesee County that has been in business for over 80 years.

I am a MED LPN, but discontinued work to be a stay-at-home Mom.

We have two children; the oldest will be attending Hillsdale College this fall and our youngest will be in the 7th grade.

My memberships include: First Baptist Church of Flushing, Flint Right to Life, Genesee Tea Party, and Committee Against Tax Increases.


Pro-Life - I believe that life begins at conception and ends at natural death.

Pro-Marriage - I believe that marriage is between one Man and one Woman.

Pro-Business- Business, not the government, is where jobs are created.

Pro 2nd Amendment - I support Our Right To Own and Bear Arms.

Opposed to Raising Taxes - I support cutting taxes and wasteful spending - Government is out of control from the White House to the Lansing Capital.

Opposed to Obama Health care - I will support any effort to overturn this law in Michigan. Forced health care is not the answer. This will cause medical services to be rationed and drive up the costs even more.

I'm ready to serve you!

I'm not a politician but I want to be your voice and take your concerns to Lansing. I see the decline in morals and how it is affecting our families. Michigan has lost and is losing more and more jobs, and homes are being foreclosed on in record numbers, our young people are leaving the state in record numbers.

If you agree with my conservative views, please vote for SUSAN CULVER on August 3rd in the 48th District of Michigan. I would like to represent YOU as the next State Representative.


Old Centennial Farmhouse said...

I would love to display one of your signs in the yard...gladly!

50s Housewife said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and good luck in the election! Love your stance on the issues! :)

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Susan! I wish you the best
Donn Gaby