Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Is Capitalism a Dirty Word? Our Goliath Government.

"Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end, and no sense of responsibility at the other."
--Ronald Wilson Reagan

the present atmosphere, and here in Granholm's paradise, but especially in Washington, D.C., capitalism and its adherents are almost too ashamed to declare themselves believers in the system that has wrought the greatest economy the world has ever known.

With more than forty percent of Americans on some form of dole from the Federal Government, there has to be a way to keep feeding Goliath (our government): after all the giant is getting hungrier all the time, fatter all the time and a lot of those in government right now know it must be kept healthy because it uses our tax monies to buy votes from groups of people.

Business--capitalist businesses--have been the one feeding this giant, after all businesses pay plenty of taxes, and more importantly they employ wage earners, who then in turn pay their taxes. (This is all very basic but seems to be forgotten by those in government who would keep coming to businesses for more and more taxes and regulation.)

In order to confiscate more of our money, the present administration has declared war on the American Economy and the American Businessman. The businessman is the enemy, the bad guy, the source of ALL our problems: a scapegoat.

Add to that lie the burden of the onerous regulations and taxation of businesses with more coming and no end in sight from the state of Michigan and you've got yourself a Gigantic Fight Against Goliath.

I'm a big believer in the freedom for businesses to succeed or to fail. My belief is that the ONLY role of government in the enterprise of the American people who own businesses is this: GET OUT OF THE WAY.

You see, contrary to popular opinion, freedom means just that. You are free. Free to succeed, free to fail. There were no guarantees built into the constitution and anyone who tries to imply that is guilty of twisting truth.

There is no way that your success, or your failure for that matter, should be "guaranteed by the government". Whomever coined the term "too big to fail" was not a believer in capitalism.

Some businesses should fail, because they made very poor decisions and kept doing more of the same; year after year. Their practices and their spending was out of control....much like our Goliath Government.

But businesses should not fail BECAUSE of the government and that is what is happening all around the state. State and federal governments are placing such huge burdens on our small businesses--who, by the way, are the biggest employers of all!--that they are finding it hard to keep afloat.

If businesses keep going away from Michigan like they have been, who then will government shake down to keep feeding Goliath?

Business are shutting down, closing their doors and laying off employees, yet Granholm is busily traveling the globe to "bring jobs to Michigan"!

Instead what we need is our state government working in Lansing to create an atmosphere that will keep the businesses that are already here! It was bad enough for Michigan before this national recession hit, but now that the whole country is suffering, we're worse off than we could have imagined!

I will do my best in Lansing to work for getting Goliath Government off the back of the businesses in our state.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

An Introduction: Pleased to Meet You!

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Obtaining our freedom has not been easy, I want to help preserve our hard-won unique American freedoms.

My name is Susan Culver and I would like to be your next State Representative. Thanks for taking the time to look me up!

I am a Conservative and have the endorsement of Citizens for Traditional Values.
My husband and I have lived in Genesee County all of our lives. He owns a company in Genesee County that has been in business for over 80 years.

I am a MED LPN, but discontinued work to be a stay-at-home Mom.

We have two children; the oldest will be attending Hillsdale College this fall and our youngest will be in the 7th grade.

My memberships include: First Baptist Church of Flushing, Flint Right to Life, Genesee Tea Party, and Committee Against Tax Increases.


Pro-Life - I believe that life begins at conception and ends at natural death.

Pro-Marriage - I believe that marriage is between one Man and one Woman.

Pro-Business- Business, not the government, is where jobs are created.

Pro 2nd Amendment - I support Our Right To Own and Bear Arms.

Opposed to Raising Taxes - I support cutting taxes and wasteful spending - Government is out of control from the White House to the Lansing Capital.

Opposed to Obama Health care - I will support any effort to overturn this law in Michigan. Forced health care is not the answer. This will cause medical services to be rationed and drive up the costs even more.

I'm ready to serve you!

I'm not a politician but I want to be your voice and take your concerns to Lansing. I see the decline in morals and how it is affecting our families. Michigan has lost and is losing more and more jobs, and homes are being foreclosed on in record numbers, our young people are leaving the state in record numbers.

If you agree with my conservative views, please vote for SUSAN CULVER on August 3rd in the 48th District of Michigan. I would like to represent YOU as the next State Representative.