"Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth."
Since our forefathers knew what it meant to take up arms against their own government, these words by our country's father are not to be taken lightly.
Make no mistake about it, George Washington was a wise man and would not make a mockery of such a serious thing as taking up arms against those in authority over him.
That is why we should never make the mistake of thinking that our government has a right to take away something clearly granted to us in the Constitution. The right to own and to bear arms is something that is the backup guarantee of our freedoms.
To our forefathers, a government that always knows its citizens would be armed was something high on the list of priorities in our enumerated rights.
Why should that right be less important to the current crop in Washington, D.C and elsewhere? It should not be less important, and yet somehow, there is always someone wanting to legislate this right AWAY from us.
It is a threat that never leaves us, and anyone that would want to take away our arms should be viewed with suspicion: why?
The criminal element is less bold when people are armed: should the government be viewed as any less threatening to us as individuals as a threat to our freedoms and our personal property?
The right to bear arms is part of the backup plan --for the PEOPLE-- that our forefathers had the wisdom to put into place: so much so that is placed right in the beginning paragraphs of our sacred Constitution.
Note: I have received a very high (A-) rating from the NRA and an endorsement from the Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners.
Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.